Unearthing the keys to innovation
A conversation with Eric Redmond, the best-selling author of Deep Tech. He’s a 20 year veteran technologist who always happens to show up wherever deep tech history is being made, from the first iPhone apps, to big data, to bitcoin. He has advised state and national governments, Fortune 100 companies, and groups as varied as the World Economic Forum, and MIT Media Lab. He’s also authored half a dozen technology books, including 2 tech books for babies, and spoken on every continent except Antartica—yet. Today, he’s a husband, a dad, and the leader of a global tech innovation team.
- Eric discusses the seven deep technologies discussed in his book, which of them he thinks will have the largest impact in the years to come, and how he came to determine this list.
- What Eric sees as the inherent dark sides of these technologies—repercussions of rolling them out on a massive scale.
- The pair cover what a Garter Hype Cycle is, and how it can be used to (somewhat) predict the success of an emerging technology.
- Why Eric sees the Trough of Disillusionment as the most interesting phase of the Garter Hype Cycle.
- The value in following emerging technology, learning from a high level how it works and what it can do, and anticipating how two or more of these technologies can work together to solve fundamental human problems—large or small.
- Eric covers how innovation is a countermeasure to obsolescence, and no one is safe from disruption.
"It’s that understanding that you have to be incrementally better every single day. You may not be perfect every day, but you’re constantly focusing on: how do I get a little bit better?"